Having a double chin is not necessarily an indication of being overweight. Many people with a normal BMI may spend time agonising in front of a mirror over that extra bit of fat underneath their jaw and it might not seem to make sense that it is even there at all. However when investing in CoolSculpting in London and the UK, patients can achieve the contour of a stronger more defined profile that better suits the rest of their appearance.
Causes of a double chin
The fat that collects under the chin is called submental fat, the condition of this ‘double chin’ – as it is commonly labelled – is also known by the term, ‘submental fullness’. A combination of different factors may bring to light why a person may be experiencing submental fullness, thus helping them come to the conclusion that they may want a non-invasive way to eliminate it, when exercise and a healthy diet haven’t been effective for this particular region.
Posture – having a bad posture may result in the weakening of the muscles of the neck, over time, this may contribute to a double chin due to a loss of skin elasticity. Poor posture may be a result of several factors, but in today’s society, the constant posture people assume while looking down at their phones can cause an unflattering image and damage to the contour of the chin and neck.
Genetics – genetic submental fullness is not something one can simply escape from; chances are if a parent or family member also experiences this potentially distressing condition, their child or relative might too.
Age – the inescapable movement of time will inevitably cause the skin to lose elasticity, thus appearing to sag more than someone with younger and tighter skin, this softer more flexible skin will contribute to the appearance of a double chin.
Diet and weight – common in people with an excessive BMI, double chins may be the result of a diet with excess calories, causing the body to store more fat in the submental area than usual. Although this is one of the causes of submental fullness, not all people who are of a medically considered ‘normal weight’ have perfectly contoured chins either.
CoolSculpting the chin
CoolSculpting in London is a completely non-invasive procedure; no anaesthesia is required to perform the treatment and neither are there needles or incisions involved. With this procedure, results can be seen after only one or two treatments. The subcutaneous fat is frozen, in a controlled environment, specifically targeting the area of the double chin. Within a few weeks, the body breaks down the frozen fat molecules which are no longer active and processes them through the liver, thus eliminating them from the body completely.
While the procedure is being undertaken, one may experience some sensations like tingling, aching, pulling, tugging, extreme cold, and possible slight cramping, these sensations will subside as the fat gets frozen and the area becomes numb. Some bruising may occur after the treatment, but this is normal and of no major concern.
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