The ongoing global pandemic has dramatically changed the world. Traditional businesses, for iA long-lasting decision
If you have lost a tooth or teeth, you will know that the problems it can cause extend far beyond the initial shock of the loss. Your teeth are dependent on the strength and support of their surrounding teeth, and if one or more is lost then it can lead to severe discomfort, as well as a number of knock-on health effects. Anyone who has lost a tooth or teeth some time ago, and has the space filled with more commonplace treatments such as dentures or crowns, will tell you that these are not without their drawbacks. Often dentures become looser over time, as the surrounding teeth shift to account for the unfilled space within the patient’s mouth. This can result in them becoming painful or irritating, especially when chewing tougher foods – which often becomes too much of a challenge to continue. Besides the physical discomfort that dentures can bring, they also can have social implications – such as taking your teeth out continually in the company of loved ones or friends is never ideal. However, anyone who is looking to fill in a lost space within their mouth on a permanent, long-lasting basis ought to speak with a trusted local provider of dental implants in Bromley and see whether or not they are eligible for this treatment.
Why get a missing space permanently filled?
If you have only recently lost a tooth, and have been hearing about all the potential issues which can arise from seeking out dentures or crowns, it may be somewhat tempting to avoid seeking out any treatment whatsoever. This is especially common in cases where the affected tooth is at the back of the patient mouth, and therefore is not easily detectable. However, there are some massively damaging consequences which can arise if you have an untreated space within your teeth for a prolonged period of time. One such consequence is the physical alteration of your facial and bone structure. This is a long-term effect of having disused jaw tissue, as it is eventually dissolved and dispersed elsewhere, which leaves the jaw area around the affected tooth lacking in bone density, which can make you appear far older or more drawn-out, which is never good. Another long-term health implication of not replacing a lost tooth is the loss of speech or ability to properly chew. As with dentures, this usually results from the gradual shifting of the surrounding teeth to make up for lost space, which results in there being larger gaps between teeth and this can cause serious orthodontic issues, such as periodontal disease, to arise as a result.
Why are dental implants the solution?
Dental implants are the only treatment which fully and permanently resorts all of the natural feeling and functionality of a lost tooth. Whilst more common treatments work in a supportive capacity – by sitting at the patient’s gumline and relying on support from the surrounding teeth – dental implants act structurally. This is done through the surgical embedment of a titanium-alloy tooth root. This titanium-alloy root naturally bonds itself together with the bone within the patient’s jaw and therefore can be used as a permanently fused anchor point into which a denture can be fixed. By effectively recreating the process in which natural teeth are fixed within a patient mouth, dental implants are typically found to be the most comfortable way of restoring a lost tooth – often to such degrees that the patients who wear them forget that they are doing so because they feel so natural. Anybody who has lost a tooth – however recently – should speak to a trusted expert and find out if dental implants are an option for their smile.
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