As cosmetic and restorative dentistry has advanced, what was once considered impossible is now not only possible but easy!
And when you have a missing tooth or teeth, you may think all of your Christmases had come early when you learned about oral implants! Like dentures, these prosthetics offer visual concealment of any gaps in your teeth but offer the security of natural teeth. Fitted to your jaw (barring subperiosteal options), they can strengthen your bite and chewing strength, creating more than just a cosmetic benefit.
But many people become concerned when they hear about the surgical aspect of oral implants; the procedure is quite invasive and many patients worry about issues such as discomfort and long-term damage. In this article, the top 5 FAQs about dental implants in Maidstone are answered, allowing you to decide if they are the right restorative treatment for you.
Do they hurt?
When it comes to the fitting of dental implants near Maidstone, your dental team will ensure that your gum and jaw are sufficiently numbed before beginning.
Once the implant is placed and your gum is sewn up, there may be some residual aching as the localised anaesthetic wears off. However, this is often compared to having a tooth extracted.
Over the counter pain relief should be able to manage this discomfort; if it doesn’t, contact your dentist for a check-up.
How long does the process take?
Fitting dental implants from Maidstone into your jaw can take up to 2 hours.
However once fitted, there is a wait of between 3-6 months before the false tooth or teeth can be attached. Why? Because the implant has to fuse to the bone to create a secure base to attach the prosthetic to. So in total, you may be waiting up to 6 months for your new set of gnashers!
Will I get an infection?
It is statistically unlikely.
The surgery where you have had the implants fitted will be cleaned following the counties dental regulations, and your dentist will aim to keep the implant site germ free during the fitting and the sewing which follows.
However, if you are worried that there is discomfort, swelling or by the ever-present taste of something foul, contact your dental team to check for an infection.
How long do they last?
Provided that they are cared for correctly and that you refrain from lifestyle choices like smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol, your oral implants can last up to and over 20 years.
However, you will need to see your dental team as regularly as you did before, to keep an eye out for things like periodontal disease.
Is there any specific aftercare needed to keep them in good shape?
In short, no they do not.
One of the most appealing things about oral implants is that they require very little aftercare; simply brush, floss and rinse your teeth as per usual. Attend your biannual dental check-ups and your newly fitted implants should last for a long time. Perfect!
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